Unearthing the Pyramids
When we set up a show in january 2009 for Datashock they had hardly ever played as what Pascal called their „Rock ‘n Roll Outfit“. Joined by Sebastian and Christian (adding a bluesy guitar and some solid drums to the free-folk) Datashock was about to reach a new level. And the night Datashock played the show in Mainz everyone involved took a glimpse at what’s waiting beyond the horizon. Expanded to a six piece the Saarlouis boys and girls took the stage and blew everybodies mind performing a tight but loose and totally improvised set of free-floating-psychedelic-rock synchronising perfect to a screening of Elias Merhige’s „Begotten“ projected to the wall behind them. The crowd in front remained exhausted, thrilled and blown away by the musical experience. It was a glorious night for Datashock and a great start for Phantom Limbo and only little of this immersive freakout remains until today to be seen on the internet. Beware to watch it, it’s just a corpse, a stillborn reproduction of an elusive Moment, gone but never forgotten…
We became close friends with the band, Ronnie got engaged in Phantom Limbo, and ever since we continue setting up gigs, making friends and enjoying the sounds and vision of an international subunderground of musical richness and freedom. And whilst Pascal moved into his Elfenbeinturm and a lot of other projects kept the Datashock boys and girls active, the mothership rested. Datashock, the sleeping beauty, preserved in a glass-coffin. But then christmas came and Jan, a long-time companion and good friend of Datashock, called to gather the Saarlouis gang on the stage of the Oetinger Villa in Darmstadt to host a recording session that immediately was rumoured to have been both: relaxed and exciting for everyone involved…
Again, not much happened, the magic of the moment was gone, once more. People kept asking about the post-production-process, shuffling their feet nervously and looking for recordings like U.F.O.’s to appear. A drunken night in Offenbach gave birth to the recording’s name (don’t ask, long and hilarious story!) and soon after a promotional video made everyone giggle. But the recordings were still in a rough shape and the release date got pushed back…
During summer 2010 Ronnie and Jan began to unearth what was buried in dozens of digitalized files and from that moment on everybody was curious to catch an earful of what was about to be finished and refined in the Villa’s basement. Nearly two years had gone by since that night in Mainz and we were waiting for the magic to happen again, to witness the action around us transcend into pure bliss.
A few weeks ago – after a long wait and endless requests – Ronnie handed me over what instantly – from the first note – brought back all the memories of that night in Mainz. „Pyramiden von Gießen“ dropped out of my speakers, just like honey, like pure sonic gold. Sebastian’s signifying bluesy guitar, Ruth’s defining violine, Martina’s singing, Christian’s solid drumming – and a lot of strange noises and beautiful sounds provided by Pascal, Ronnie, Ulf and Jan to evolve within a crystal clear mix. Datashock, the mothership reactivated, flying. The Free-Floating-Psychedelic-Jams we’ve all been waiting for so long.
It’s been a long wait and some jokes made the round about a lazy band that’s building it’s own myth on maybe recording but no longer releasing a single note. We’ve been proven wrong! Here it is: „Pyramiden von Gießen“, unearthed, in all it’s glory. It’s not a Datashock recording it’s THE Datashock recording.
Holger „Die Planung“ Adam
Datashock are about to release the long awaited „Pyramiden von Gießen“ album on the famous and fabulous Dekorder label in february 2011.There's an official announcement from the band's headquarter, check it at Meudiademorte and start counting down days until the Pyramids will be unearthed! What can be read above is some notes we were asked to provide in support of the record release.